Elastic Spectra of Two-Dimensional Disordered Lattices. II. Impurities which Alter the Interactions

The elastic vibrational spectra of perturbed square-lattice systems with nearest-neighbor central and noncentral interactions have been derived. The unperturbed system consists of masses m on the lattice points interacting with force constants α, which determines the resistance to compression, and β, which determines the resistance to shear along the direction [10]. The perturbations are Nq randomly positioned atoms whose mass is that of the host, but which interact with each of their nearest neighbors through spring constants α and β. Here N is the number of lattice sites. To first order in q, the resulting elastic modes are then completely determined by an average: α¯=α1+2q(αα)α+(2π)(αα){[1+βα]invtan(αβ)12(βα)12}, and a similar average, β¯, which is obtained from the previous expression via the interchange of α and β. The appearance of β in the expression for α¯ implies that the virtual-crystal approximation fails. The failure of the virtual-crystal approximation is related to a physical model which predicts a relationship between this failure and the lifetimes of the modes. This relationship is demonstrated for the two-dimensional binary alloy with a small amount of disorder.