Two adult castrates are reported, both of whom lost potency. The 1st case had an orchidectomy for tuberculosis and remained potent for 2 yrs. Coincident with this he lost hair on the scalp and stopped shaving. The truncal, axillary and pubic hair were gradually lost. He had symptoms of [male] climateric. 13 yrs. later treatment with [male] sex hormone resulted in return of libido, potency, and psychic change. Testosterone propionate pellets were implanted and at the present writing he has normal libido, potency and a return of hair growth. The 2d castrate was a psychopath who lost his libido and potency and had had a marked psychic change soon after castration. Castration had been performed 30 yrs. previously and the psychic pattern resembled the [female]. A suggestion is made that there is a chemical balance between the gonads and the pituitary-hypothalamic system and it is the change in the latter system which determines the extent of libido, potency and the psychic pattern.

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