Chronic Intestinal Infection due to Subgenus F Type 40 Adenovirus in a Patient with AIDS

A case of chronic intestinal infection due to adenovirus type 40 lasting for 13 months in a patient with AIDS is described. Adenovirus particles were detected by electron microscopy in biopsy samples taken from the duodenum 3 months after the onset of diarrhoea. The virus was identified as adenovirus type 40 in stool samples by ELISA monoclonal antibodies to adenovirus group antigen (MAd-g2) and types 40 and 41 (MA 40-1 and MA 41-1). No other enteropathogens were found. These data support a causal relationship between adenovirus 40 and the gastrointestinal symptoms of the patient. This is the first reported case of intestinal infection caused by adenovirus type 40 in a patient with AIDS.