Effects of preparation and fixation on three quantitative fluorescent cytochemical procedures

A series of experiments was undertaken in which cells dissociated from the abdominal lymph nodes of mice were lightly centrifuged into slides and fixed either wet or after drying in 70% ethanol, 1% glutaraldehyde, 1% formaldehyde, or neutral formalin. Three fluorescent cytochemical methods were evaluated: staining of DNA with mithramycin; fluorochroming of basic groups of proteins with brilliant sulfaflavine (BSF); and staining of sulfhydryl and disulfide groups with N-(7-dimethylamino-4-methylcoumarinyl)maleimide (DACM). In the case of mithramycin, the best results were obtained after fixation in 70% ethanol without drying. Staining of dried preparations fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde also yielded reasonably consistent results, although the fluorescence was lower, and the variability higher, than in the group fixed without drying in 70% ethanol. The use of fixatives containing formaldehyde resulted in fluorescence values of only about onethird those of the other two groups, and the variability of the data was higher. In material stained with BSF, satisfactory results were obtained in preparations fixed without drying in neutral formalin containing mersalyl acid. Other fixatives could be used, but the resulting coefficients of variation were higher than those of formalin-fixed material. Sulfhydryl to disulfide ratios approaching those expected from biochemical evidence were obtained in DACM-stained material only after fixation without drying in neutral formalin containing mersalyl acid. Inverted sulfhydryl-disulfide ratios were observed in material fixed without drying in 70% ethanol; and in dried metarial fixed in 1% formaldehyde, neutral formalin, or 1% glutaraldehyde.