CGP 53437, an orally bioavailable inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease with potent antiviral activity

CGP 53437 is a peptidomimetic inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease containing a hydroxyethylene isostere. The compound inhibited recombinant HIV-1 protease with a Ki of 0.2 nM. The inhibition constant versus human cathepsin D and human cathepsin E was 4 nM. Human pepsin and gastricsin were inhibited with Kis of 8 and 500 nM, respectively, and human renin was inhibited with a Ki of 190 microM. The replication of HIV-1/LAV, HIV-1/Z-84, and HIV-1/pLAI was inhibited with a 90% effective dose of 0.1 microM in acutely infected MT-2 cells. The 50% cytotoxic dose was 100 microM. Similar antiviral activity was observed when the compound was added up to 10 h after infection. At the effective concentration, processing of Gag precursor protein p55 was greatly reduced, confirming an action on the late stage of the virus life cycle, as expected. The efficacy of the inhibitor was also demonstrated by using primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes infected with the HIV-1/LAV strain, low-passage clinical isolates obtained from HIV-1-seropositive individuals (including a zidovudine-resistant strain), and HIV-2/ROD. In these cells, CGP 53437 delayed the onset of HIV replication in a dose-dependent fashion (substantial effects with concentrations of > or = 0.1 microM) as long as the inhibitor was maintained in the culture. CGP 53437 was orally bioavailable in mice. Concentrations in plasma 10-fold in excess of the in vitro antiviral 90% effective dose could be sustained for several hours after oral application of 120 mg/kg. Therefore, CGP 53437 has the potential to be a therapeutically useful anti-HIV agent for the treatment of AIDS.