Genetic hitchhiking occurs when alleles at unselected loci are changed in frequency because of an association with alleles at a selected locus. This association may be mediated either by linkage or partial selfing (inbreeding) and can affect the gene frequency and gametic disequilibrium at the neutral loci. Hitchhiking from partial selfing (unlinked loci) occurs more quickly than linkage hitchhiking and generally has a greater effect. In addition, partial-selfing hitchhiking can cause increases or changes in sign in gametic disequilibrium between neutral loci. The effects of the two types of hitchhiking with different levels of dominance, zygotic frequencies and number of selected loci are also examined. The general conditions for linkage and partial-selfing hitchhiking are outlined and the implications of hitchhiking are discussed for marker or electrophoretic loci.