Infrared Vacuum Spectrometer with Prism/Grating Double Monochromator

A prism/grating double monochromator has been made in which the grating monochromator has been ganged with a rocksalt monochromator on a linear frequency basis. Two replica gratings, each used in a single order, cover the range 650 cm-1 to 3650 cm-1. Resolution is such that peaks with a separation of 0.3 cm-1 at 950 cm-1 may be resolved. Gratings and cams and also prisms may be interchanged by operation of press buttons. Similarly the instrument may be converted to a single prism monochromator to extend the frequency range. A constant energy background is provided by magnetically operated slits programed by a tapped potentiometer. The double beam photometer uses a starwheel beam attenuator and is capable of good quantitative accuracy. The whole optical system is evacuable and a pressure of 10-3 mm Hg within the vacuum casing is satisfactory for accurate work at grating resolution.

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