Ep=1.118MeV resonance in theAl27(p,γ)Si28reaction

The 12.664-MeV level in Si28 has been populated by resonant proton capture at 1.118 MeV in the Al27(p,γ)Si28 reaction. γ-ray angular distributions have been measured with a 80-cm3 Ge(Li) detector. The spin of the 11.432-MeV level is most probably 4 with T=0; for the 8.413-MeV level, the assignment Jπ=4 is in agreement with the present data. Mixing ratios for γ-ray transitions have been extracted from the angular distributions. Lifetime and branching-ratio studies have been made at Ep=1.118,1.724, and 2.876 MeV. Emphasis was given to measurements on levels at 8.413, 9.702, and 11.577 MeV, as possible candidates for the 4, 5, and 6 states of a Kπ=3 rotational band based on the 6.879-MeV level. The observed E2 transition strengths are not in agreement with the above assumption. A strength of 0.3 Weisskopf units is found for the 12.664→8.413-MeV M1 transition, which is in conformity with a JπJπ, ΔT=1 transition in a self-conjugate nucleus; this result may suggest the possibility of another interpretation of these negative-parity states, relied on one-particle - one-hole configurations.