Diagnostic criteria for acute myocardial infarction in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery.

Current techniques for diagnosing perioperative myocardial infarction were studied in 58 patients who underwent coronary bypass surgery. All patients had preoperative and postoperative ECGs and technetium-99m stannous pyrophosphate myocardial scintigrams; serum CK-MB was measured immediately after surgery and daily for 3 days. Postoperative bypass graft visualization and left ventriculography were performed before hospital discharge in every patient. Nine patients (16%) had new Q waves postoperatively. Five of these nine patients had positive pyrophosphate scintigrams, postive CK-MB and new wall motion abnormalities, and the remaining four had negative CK-MB, negative phyrophosphate scintigrams and no new wall motion abnormalities. Seven patients (12%) had newly positive postoperative pyrophosphate scintigrams, positive CK-MB and new wall motion abnormalities on postoperative ventriculography, but only four had new Q waves postoperatively. Eight patients (14%) had new wall motion abnormalities; seven had positive pyrophosphate scintigrams and all had positive CK-MB, but only five had new Q waves. Sixteen patients (28%) had positive CK-MB, including all patients with either positive pyrophosphate scintigrams or new wall motion abnormalities, Eight patients had positive CK-MB without other evidence of perioperative infarction. A newly positive postoperative pyrophosphate scintigram is more senstive and specific than the development of new postoperative Q waves for the diagnosis of hemodynamically significatn perioperative myocardial in farction. CK-MB is highly sensitive, but too nonspecific to be useful for the diagnosis of perioperative infarction.