Light onset and light offset as reinforcers for the albino rat.

In a 2 X 2 X 2 experiment the 3 variables were: maintenance environment (M), raised in light or dark; feeding (F), fed in light or dark; and response contingency (R), bar presses added or removed light. 2 response measures, number of bar presses per 5 min. interval (I), and duration of response were taken over 9½-hour periods (P). On an analysis of variance number of presses showed R, I, P, RXP, RXI, and RXM to be significant. All groups declined in rate of responding over intervals. The dark reared rats responded less than those reared in light. It was suggested "that it is the illumination change which results in the increment in bar-pressing, and . . . that light offset and light onset may act in the same fashion." From Psyc Abstracts 36:01:1EL75R. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved)