Action potentials of single frog nerve fibers were recorded with the air-gap method in "low Ca" (0.26 mM) and "high Ca" (4.2 mM) solutions and compared to spikes in normal Ringer's (1.05 mM Ca). On increasing (Ca)o the action potentials became shorter, the "knee" during the falling phase as well as the threshold for abolition moved to internal potentials more positive, and the spike recovery during the relative refractory period was faster. Outward current pulses applied during an action potential affected its configuration more in low Ca than in high Ca. The onset of the delayed rectification (in the absence of Na) was found faster in high Ga. After-potentials during anelectrotonus declined more rapidly in high Ca than in low Ca. The results are compared primarily with the voltage-clamp analysis of Ca effects on squid axons and satisfactory qualitative agreement is reached.