Patch Structure in Tallgrass Prairies: Dynamics of Satellite Species

Space in tallgrass prairie communities is dominated by a few core species. A large number of less abundant, satellite species occupy the remaining space. These satellite species define vegetation patches that vary within and between growing seasons. In order to determine if patch structure was random we established five permanent 100- m2 blocks in undisturbed tallgrass prairie in Oklahoma and Kansas. Presence of core and satellite species in each m2 was sampled over one or two growing seasons. Patch types were defined by cluster analysis. Characteristics of patch structure included number of patch types, patch type diversity, patch composition, number of spatial groups, group size, and fractal dimension of the spatial groups. We generated simulated data sets with random species associations, in which we quantified patch structure. Actual patch structure, defined mainly by satellite species, was not significantly different from simulated patch structure, except that simulated patches were more fragmented. Therefore, processes that affect species associations may not be important controls of patch structure of satellite species within the spatial and temporal scale of this analysis. Because there was some degree of spatial autocorrelation in patch structure, dispersal processes may have significant effects on patch structure at this scale. In order to understand grassland community dynamics, we propose that satellite species should be modelled using stochastic models constrained by core species dynamics. This approach may be applicable to any community with major components operating at different hierarchical levels.