Dialysis Dementia - The Chicago Experience

In the four years between 1972 and 1976 twenty out of 160 maintenance dialysis patients developed dialysis dementia. Their illness was characterized by an insidious onset of mental deterioration, speech disturbance, apraxia, and myoclonus. The disease progressed inexorably to a fatal outcome, the onset of seizures being an ominous sign, and the average duration of the illness being seven months. Routine biochemical studies were unremarkable, and osteodystrophy was not a prominent feature. Serial electroencephalograms (EEC) showed progressive slowing of the rhythm, usually antedating the neurologic symptoms. Brain scan and flow studies were normal. Radio-iodinated serum albumin (RISA) scans in seven patients showed changes suggesting altered cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics. Treatment was generally ineffective, but ventriculo-peritoneal shunting produced transient neurologic improvement in one patient. Epidemiologic investigations showed high aluminum levels in city water during the period of the outbreak.