Assignment of the Gene for Myelin Proteolipid Protein to the X Chromosome: Implications for X-Linked Myelin Disorders

Several inherited disorders in humans and in rodents result in myelin dysgenesis and a deficiency of the molecular constituents of myelin. A complementary DNA to one of the two major myelin proteins, myelin proteolipid protein (also known as lipophilin), has been used with Southern blot analysis of somatic cell hybrid DNA to map the human proteolipid protein gene to the middle of the long arm of the human X chromosome (bands Xq13-Xq22) and to assign the murine proteolipid protein gene to the mouse X chromosome. Comparison of the gene maps of the human and mouse X chromosomes suggests that myelin proteolipid protein may be involved in X-linked mutations at the mouse jimpy locus and has implications for Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, a human inherited X-linked myelin disorder.