The Half-Life of Actinouranium and the Problem of Geologic Time

The actinium series arises from an isotope U235, or from two such isotopes U239 and U235, genetically connected. From work of Hahn and Meitner, the first possibility is almost certainly right. Assuming as a working hypothesis that U235 is the only long-lived uranium isotope, equations are developed for determining its decay constant λ4 from data concerning radioactive minerals and substances. These equations also give the decay constant λ1 of U238 and mineral ages. The results depend on the value of the actinium "branching" ratio, which lies between 0.03 and 0.04. Computations are carried out using both of these extreme values. Four minerals are discussed but only two, Karlshus bröggerite and Wilberforce uraninite, yield reliable results. The mean values from these are: The best value for the half-life of U238 is (4.58±0.09) 109 yr. If U239 exists and has a half-life long compared with that of U235, the values for λ4 would apply to U239. The ages, insensitive to the value of the branching ratio, are: Karlshus bröggerite, 0.81×109 yr.; Wilberforce uraninite, 1.04×109 yr. Since quantitative study of chemical alteration may throw light on the process and prove helpful in determining decay constants and mineral ages, equations are developed to show the effect of uniform leaching. Rates of removal or addition of Pb, U and Th are assumed different, but each of them is supposed constant in time. The resulting equations are applied to Katanga pitch-blende, to illustrate the method.

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