Taxonomy of Alteromonas: A. nigrifaciens sp. nov., nom. rev.; A. macleodii; and A. haloplanktis

On the basis of phenotypic properties and the guanine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA and the immunological relationship of the glutamine synthetase and the Fe-containing superoxide dismutase, strain 217T (= ATCC 19375) (T = type strain), which was previously designated Pseudomonas nigrifaciens, was shown to be a member of a distinct species in the genus Alteromonas. Since this species designation was not included on the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names, it was revived as A. nigrifaciens sp. nov., with type strain 217 (= ATCC 19375). The phenotypic properties of strains of A. macleodii and A. haloplanktis are also described.

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