Novel forms of neuronal migration in the rat cerebellum

Infrared video microscopy of neonatal rat cerebellum (P0‐P14) was used to directly visualize migrating granule neurons in relation to other cerebellar cells in a brain slice for up to 24 hr. Initially (P0‐P5), granule neurons move along radial migration pathways of other neuronal fibers. These pathways are probably established by the bipolar granule neurons that attach to the external basement membrane via one process and extend another process toward the Purkinje cell layer. At P5‐P8, a substantial number of granule neurons move horizontally and extend long parallel fibers. Both radially and horizontally migrating granule neurons move by nuclear translocation inside their preformed processes with a speed that varies between 6 and 120 μ/hr. In P10‐P12 animals, the horizontally oriented granule neurons start to migrate radially. They move into the internal granule cell layer either along the radial pathways of other neuronal fibers or in contact with the matured glial processes. The radial neuronal migration pathways disappear by P14 whereas the glial cell processes are maintained and reach the basal lamina. These results describe novel radial and horizontal modes of neuronal migration that proceed independently of the physical glial guidance.