The structure of the integument of the sea cucumber, Thyone briareus

The integument and podia of the sea cucumber Thyone briareus were examined by bright field and electron microscopy. The epidermal surface was found to be covered by an acellular, PAS positive cuticle which appeared to be secreted by the underlying epidermal cells. Although the superficial portion of the cuticle contains numerous fine filaments, their ultrastructure bears no resemblance to collagen fibers. The epidermal cells are widely spaced and have long apical processes that extend along the under surface of the cuticle forming a contiguous epithelium. The apical expansions of the epidermal cells are attached to one another by means of septate desmosomes which may run continuously around all epidermal cells. Special attachment structures within these apical expansions appear to bind the cuticle to the dermis. The epidermal cells and their apical expansions are separated from the dermis by an 800 Å thick basement membrane. Granule containing cells in the upper dermis send processes up to the cuticle where they are bound to the typical epidermal cells by septate desmosomes. The abundant membrane bound granules of the cells enter villous‐like processes which pass through the cuticle. The function of these cells may be to produce an adhesive material on the podia or they may be pigment cells.The thick dermis consists of a superficial zone, containing largely ground substance; a middle or laminated zone containing laminae of collagen fibers arranged in an orthogonal fashion; and a hypodermis consisting largely of ground substance and reticular fibers. Fibroblasts are abundant in the superficial dermis and between the collagen laminae. Wandering coelomocytes, or morula cells, accumulate between the collagen laminae and in the hypodermis. They may also become an integral part of the epidermis by forming septate desmosomes with epidermal cells. Morula cells contain highly specialized spherules whose tinctorial properties and electron microscopic appearance suggest that they contain protein and mucopolysaccharide.