Eleven species of Asclepiadaceae not previously recorded from Namibia are discussed. Of these. Brachystelma codonanthum Bruyns. B. recurvatum Bruyns and Schizoglossum saccatum Bruyns are new species. The new combinations Brachy­stelma gymnopodum (Schltr.) Bruyns (for Ceropegia pygmaea Schinz) and B. schultzei (Schltr.) Bruyns [for Tenaris schultzei (Schltr.) E. Phillips] are proposed and the delimitation of Brachystelma R. Br. against Ceropegia L. and Tenaris E. Mey. is discussed. Notes are also included on little-known species, and the species of Gomphocarpus R. Br. in Namibia are enumerated.