Of 740 Glasgow citizens studied 13.6 per cent denied ever taking analgesics while 12.3 per cent took them weekly and a further 5.0 per cent daily. Three fifths of those taking daily analgesics did so without reference to a doctor. Aspirin and paracetamol were most popular in social classes I and II while Askit were mainly used by social classes IV and V. Aspirin was the preparation of choice of those who rarely took analgesics but its popularity declined the more frequently analgesics were taken. Askit, however, were twice as popular amongst the daily self-medicators as amongst those who rarely took analgesics. Patients with renal disease, psychiatric patients, and those with psychogenic pain were much more likely to have abused analgesics than the general population. Although the risks of excessive analgesic ingestion are considerable, in Glasgow alone over 8,000 people may be abusing analgesics.