The duodenum with attached pancreas and bile duct were removed in mass at autopsy from about 200 bodies. The duodenum was split longitudinally. By probing the bile duct the opening into the ampulla of Vater was localized and then sutured. X-ray opaque materials were then injected into the bile duct thus filling the Wirsung''s duct and its communications with other pancreatic ducts, if present. When ducts were not indicated in all parts or when Wirsung''s duct was not shown the tail of the pancreas was dissected and the ducts injected. Three types of pancreatic ducts are described for the 90% of cases where Wirsung''s duct is the major or only duct. Among the 90% of cases where Wirsung''s duct was the major or only duct, Santorini''s duct occurred as a patent duct in 40% and as a non-patent duct in 10%. All cases as well as a few annular and accessory pancreases are explained on an embryological basis.