Purification and Characterization of Urinary Glycopeptides Containing N-Peptidyl-1-Ketosamine Structure*

Glycopeptides were isolated from human urine by 85-90% ethanol- and Pb acetate-treatments, precipitation by acetone, chromatography on a Dowex 1x2 column at pH 8.4 (0.015 [image] borate buffer), elution with 0.05 M borate buffer of pH 8.4, and paper chromatographic separation of glycopeptides I and II of R glucose 0.13 and 0.05, respectively, with a solvent system of butanol-aceticacid-water (4:1:2). Glycopeptides I and H were partially identified for their structure as having N-substituted 1-fructos-amine, presumably at the amino terminal of the peptide moiety.