In the year 1755 Ellis described in his “Natural History of the Corallines,” as “Alcyonium pulmonis instar lobatum,” a “sea production” from Whitstable, which the fishermen there had brought to him under the name of “Sea-Fig.” As regards the systematic position of this form, he expresses himself only in so far as to place it with the Alcyonians, a group in which were united at that time, along with true species of Alcyonium, Ascidians, Hydroids, Sponges and even Algæ. As a doubtful synonym of his species Ellis put forward the Pulmo marinus of Rondelet (1555), which however has nothing whatever to do with it and indeed cannot be certainly determined. During the following years, Ellis' work was translated into several languages. A Dutch and a French translation, both dating from the year 1756, are known to me, the former by Tak, the latter by Allamand. There is also a German translation by Krüniz dated 1767.