Critical-Field RatioHc3Hc2for Pure Superconductors outside the Ginzburg-Landau Region. II.T≃Tc

In Paper I we found the appropriate generalization of Gor'kov's linearized gap equation for a pure, semiinfinite weak-coupling superconductor in a magnetic field, separated from vacuum or an insulator by a specularly reflecting surface. In that paper we used the gap equation to study the surface-nucleation critical field Hc3 at T0°K. Here we study the region TTc and find the first three nontrivial terms in an expansion of the ratio Hc3(T)Hc2(T) to be 1.695[1+0.614(1t)0.577(1t)32], where tTTc. The term linear in 1t has been found previously, but the last term is new. For T close enough to Tc we show that the system is accurately described by the linearized Ginzburg-Landau equation with the usual boundary condition and thus regain the results of Saint-James and de Gennes. At lower temperatures the pair wave function has a slowly varying component which satisfies a finite-order differential equation and a surface component which does not. An analysis of the surface component gives an effective boundary condition on the slowly varying part; from this condition the field Hc3 is derived. In combination with the results of Paper I we propose an interpolation formula for the entire temperature range below Tc. A comparison with the available experimental data is encouraging.