Carcinogenicity of Epoxides, Lactones, and Peroxy Compounds2

Attention is focused on epoxides, lactones, hydroperoxides, and peroxides as carcinogens, as possible carcinogenic intermediates in the metabolism of aromatic hydrocarbons and as environmental carcinogens. Available information about the carcinogenicity of these compounds is reviewed. To ascertain their carcinogenic activity, 14 compounds in acetone or benzene solutions were tested by skin painting on mice. Five epoxides, styrene oxide, 1-ethyleneoxy-3,4-epoxycyclohexane, 1,2-epoxybutene-3, and dl- and meso-1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane and one hydroperoxide, 1-hydroperoxy-1-vinylcyclo-hexene-3 showed carcinogenic activity. Some aspects of the relationship between structure and carcinogenic activity are discussed.