Cu3+Ion in Corundum

The paramagnetic resonance spectrum of the ion Cu3+ (configuration 3d8 which is isoelectronic with Ni2+) in Al2 O3 has been studied. The results are correlated with the observed optical absorption spectrum in terms of crystal field theory. In addition, precise information about the electron-nuclear interactions of this ion was obtained by means of the electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) technique. The Cu3+ entered the Al2 O3 lattice as a substitutional impurity for Al3+. The ion exhibits a spectrum typical of a center with S=1 in an axially symmetrical site. Each electronic transition has four hyperfine components arising from a nuclear spin of 32. The lines corresponding to the two isotopes Cu63 and Cu65 were unresolved in the paramagnetic spectrum. The observed transitions yielded the following parameters: D=0.18838±0.00004 cm1, gII=2.0784±0.0005, and g=2.0772±0.0005. In ENDOR experiments at 1.3°K, Δms=0, ΔmI=±1 transitions were observed with linewidths of about 50 kc/sec. These could be fitted satisfactorily only by postulating an effective field at the nucleus equal to (1+δ) H0, where H0 is the external field and δ=0.0087. Other interaction parameters are A63=192.947±0.001 Mc/sec; A65=206.679±0.001 Mc/sec; B63=180.10±0.05; B65=192.916±0.005; e2qQ63=0.168±0.004 Mc/sec. From the magnitude of δ, an estimate is made of 1r3 of Cu3+. The surprisingly small value of e2qQ is also discussed. The hyperfine structure anomaly (A63A65)(g65g63)1=(0.0145±0.0020)%.%. Since this agrees with the value obtained for s12 electrons in Cu as measured by atomic beam magnetic resonance, one may conclude that the hyperfine interaction in Cu3+ has its major origin in s12 electrons polarized by sd interactions.