Hydrogen ion Studies on Various Secretions of the Uro-Genital Apparatus

P H determinations on various secretions of the urogenital apparatus were made using the nitro-phenol method of Michaelis. The average reaction curve of the normal urine over a period of 20 days (2-hour determinations) showed 2 "alkaline tides," 1 at noon and the 2nd in the evening. The curve begins with p n 5.7 at 8 a. M., gradually increases towards midday p s 6.3; then descends to p h 5.5, to rise again towards evening to p H 6.0. Neither the number of meals nor a decrease in exercise changed this curve. The influence of acidifying drugs (NH4C1 and NaH2(PO)4) upon the urine was studied. The pn of human semen was 7.5. The behavior of human spermatozoa at varying p H was very constant. The maximum activity is in the range p s 8.0-9.5, with no activity below 6.0 or above 11.0. Human spermatozoa subjected to p H 4.0 lose their motility but regain it when proper p H is restored. Vaginal secretions average p n 6.4; cervical, 6.7. The gradual increase of the alkaline ions progressing towards the uterus, which is known to have an alkaline secretion, suggests the possibility of a natural chemotaxis as a guiding factor for the spermatozoa in impregnation. Normal prostatic secretions average p n 7.2; secretions in chronic prostatitis average p H 7.3. The p H of semen is always higher than that of prostatic secretion in the same person, by p n 0.2-0.4, disproving the al-kalinizing action of prostatic secretion upon spermatozoa. Hydrocele fluids have a p n of 7.6, while 1 spermatocele fluid had a p n of 6.4.