During the last few years Dr R. Kidston, F.R.S., has kindly entrusted to me for investigation certain specimens of fossil plants, showing structure, mostly from Lower Carboniferous horizons in Southern Scotland.Four of these plants are dealt with in the present communication, namely:Calamopitys radiata, sp. nov.Calamopitys zonataKidston, in MS. (nowEndoxylon zonatum).Bilignea solidaKidston.Bilignea resinosa, sp. nov.It will be understood that all the specimens were in Dr Kidston's hands in the first instance; the sections were cut under his direction, and he himself had determined the chief points in the structure of each before I began my observations. It only remained for me to work out the details, and to form my own views as to the probable affinities of the plants.

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