A girl observed from birth to age 16 months had multiple congenital anomalies including growth and developmental retardation, microcephaly (-4 SD), bulbous nose, prominent lips and philtrum, esotropia, latent hypermetropia, and spasticity. Chromosome analysis showed her to be a balanced carrier of a t(8;9)(q12;q33)pat translocation. In addition, she had a de novo deletion of a distal segment of the long arm of chromosome 7. Seven Previously reported cases with deletions involving 7q were reviewed and had a number of nonspecific features in common, with microcephaly of a comparable degree in one of these. Studies of the Kidd (Jk) blood groups and Hageman factor were done because of the tentative assignment of their respective loci to distal 7q. Location of the Kidd (Jk) locus on the deleted segment can be excluded on the basis of heterozygosity of the proposita for the a and b alleles. Hageman factor was not decreased, which suggests that this locus is also not on the deleted segment.