Measurement of the nucleon structure functions

Measurements have been made of the inclusive scattering of 96, 147, and 219 GeV muons from hydrogen, and of 147 GeV muons from deuterium. Results are presented for the nucleon structure function F2(x,Q2) [νW2(x,Q2)] for 10<ν<200 GeV and 0.2<Q2<80 GeV2. The value of F2 rises with Q2 at small x, and falls with Q2 at large x, in agreement with the ideas of quantum chromodynamics. An average value of the ratio σLσTR=0.52±0.35 has been obtained for the region 0.003<x<0.10 and 0.4<Q2<30 GeV2. The values of F2 from this experiment have been combined with those from other charged-lepton scattering experiments to determine moments of the structure functions. The variation with Q2 of these moments is used to derive values for Λ, taking into account corrections up to second order in αs. The fit to the data is very good.