Direct Determination of NotI Cleavage Sites in the Genomic DNA of Adult Mouse Kidney and Human Trophoblast Using Whole-Range Restriction Landmark Genomic Scanning

Restriction landmark genomic scanning (RLGS) is a method for visualizing restriction landmarks, employing direct labeling of restriction sites of genomic DNA and high-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis. We determined the conditions for both the first and second dimensions of RLGS that define all of the restriction fragments which carry the Not I landmark. Using this system, we determined the number of cleavable Not I sites of genomic DNA from the mouse kidney (C57BL/6) and from the human placenta. The mouse and human genomes were cleaved at 2,380±80 sites (4,760±160 spots) and 3,240±110 sites (6,480±220 spots), respectively with Not I.