T he Echinodermata of the Tertiary rocks of Southern Australia have not, as far as I am aware, yet received any systematic attention at the hands of palæontologists, although several interesting notices have from time to time appeared. The Rev. Julian E. T. Woods figured*, but did not describe, a handsome Echinoderm from the Mount-Gambier beds of South Australia, under the name of Spatangus Forbesii . Mr. Woods pointed out that his species was identical with the S. Hofmanni , found at the Murray Cliffs by Captain Sturt†, and so identified by the latter, although it is not the S. Hofmanni of Goldfuss‡. In an interesting paper on some South-Australian Tertiary Corals§, Prof. P. M. Duncan described S. Forbesii , and referred it to Desor’s genus Hemipatagus . He there notices its close similarity to H. (Spatangus) Hofmanni Goldf., and its chief point of difference from the latter, in the presence of non-crenulated tubercles, which have a tendency to touch the scrobicular circle. Dr. G. C. Laube‖ has since redescribed H. Forbesii , W. and D., in addition to several other new forms from the Murray Cliffs, South Australia, apparently without having seen Prof. Duncan's paper. Prof. M'Coy has named¶ several Spatangi from Victorian Tertiary rocks, which will be found in the accompanying synopsis I have appended below. The form now brought under the notice of the Society, although closely allied to H. Forbesii , W. & D., at first sight, still possesses certain characters which have induced me to assign to it a new specific name