Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Susceptibilities of Alloys of V with Al

Nuclear magnetic resonance properties of the V51 and Al27 isotopes and magnetic susceptibilities are reported for V-Al alloys in the body-centered cubic region up to 40 at.% Al in V and in the intermetallic compound V5 Al8. In the bcc solid solution region the V51 Knight shift increases slightly from 0.567% in pure V to 0.586% in the 40 at.% Al alloy. The Al27 shift is negative, increasing from -0.038% at 5 at.% Al to -0.031% at 40 at.% Al. The magnetic susceptibility decreases monotonically from 287×106 emu/mole for pure V to 160×106 emu/mole for 35 at.% Al in V. These data, together with measured values of the electronic specific heat, are used to evaluate the various contributions to the Knight shift and susceptibility. It is shown that essentially all of the V51 Knight shift is the result of orbital paramagnetism, and that the latter accounts for most of the measured susceptibility in these alloys. The data support a band model in which the electrons in the sp band have little or no interaction with the d band of the transition metal.