A Coordinated Multivariable Control System Design for a HVDC Linked Remote ABWR Nuclear Power Park

This paper presents a conceptual design of a coordinated output feedback multivariable control system for a remote nuclear generation park connected to a load area with an HVDC link. The control design presented in this paper is for both normal operation (e.g., load following and frequency regulation) and contingencies (e.g., loss of a dc bipole or loss of two nuclear reactors). The design is simple and compact: four control signals, five measurements, and the integrals of two measurements are used to meet all the objectives and constraints for normal operation and contingencies. The multivariable control coordinates the measurements and controls according to the time frame of response and the amount of interactions between variables. This paper describes the model of the system, the multivariable control design, and the nonlinear time domain simulation of the overall system performance.

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