Bilateral destruction of the labyrinths and auditory apparatus, enu- cleation of the eyes and removal of the olfactory bulbs did not abolish sexual activity in either [male] or [female] rabbits. Ovulation occurred normally following coitus in 3 rabbits whose sacral cords had been removed. Even when this denervation of the genital region was supplemented by complete abdominal sympathectomy, hysterectomy, and extirpation of the proximal half of the vagina coitus accompanied by signs of emotional excitement results in ovulation. [male][male] which had undergone bilateral removal of all neocortex mated. After ablation of the olfactory bulbs such animals did not mate. [female][female] continued to mate and ovulate after removal of the neocortex and destruction of the olfactory bulbs. Three completely decorticate [female][female] exhibited typical mating behavior and one ovulated following coitus.