Large Cell Bronchogenic Carcinoma

INCREASINGLY, reports of effective multidrug chemotherapy programs for small cell carcinoma of the lung are describing remission rates of 60% to 90%, prolonged survival,1and possible cure.2Results of such multidrug regimens for patients with lung carcinoma of types other than small cell have been less encouraging, with only modest overall response rates and increase in survival.3,4I treated a patient who was originally seen in March 1973 for metastatic large cell carcinoma of the lung with chemotherapy only. At this time, four years later, and after two years without specific antitumor therapy, he is free of detectable disease. A recent thoracotomy showed only scar tissue that was the result of healing atypical mycobacterial infection. Report of a Case A 47-year-old man noted a right inguinal mass 11 months prior to his first hospital admission. Several weeks previously, he noticed a right preauricular cutaneous lesion. Physical examination