An Indirect Measurement of then−nInteraction

The gamma-ray spectrum from the process π+d2n+γ has been remeasured using a high resolution 110-channel pair spectrometer. The negative pions produced in an internal target by 335-Mev protons of the Berkeley 184-inch cyclotron, are captured at rest in a high-pressure deuterium vessel. Comparison of the spectrum with the gamma-ray spectrum from the process π+pn+γ measured with the same apparatus shows the effect of the nn interaction as a broadening of approximately three times the resolving width. In spite of the low counting rates and resulting statistical inaccuracy, it is possible to establish limits for the scattering length "a" for S-state neutron-neutron scattering. The experimental data are analyzed by evaluating a weighted first moment of the spectrum. Comparison of the weighted first moments of the theoretical spectra with that of the data leads to a value of a=15.9×1013 cm with limits, based on the probable error, of a=8.5×1013 cm and a= cm. The value a=15.9×1013 cm corresponds to an unbound state (∼160 kev positive) for the hypothetical dineutron. The bound dineutron of more than 50 kev is less than 0.1 percent probable. This result is consistent with the np and pp scattering data and is in agreement with the theory of charge independence of nuclear forces.