Clinically Evident, Non-terminal Infections with Herpesviruses and the Wart Virus in Immunosuppressed Renal Allograft Recipients

The clinical incidence of herpes simplex lesions, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus infection, and warts has been determined in a group of renal allograft recipients. Herpes simplex lesions appeared to be no more common after transplantation than before in those patients subject to recurrent attacks. Among 74 patients there were seven cases of herpes zoster and seven serologically proved cases of cytomegalovirus infection with clinical manifestations. The incidence of warts increased with length of time after transplantation, 42% of patients being affected more than one year after transplantation. All of the viral infections studied behaved as in healthy adults, and serious illness, dissemination, wide-spread lesions, and complications were not seen. No factors other than immunosuppression and steroid therapy could be identified with certainty as predisposing to these infections.