Study ofp¯−pAnnihilations intoKandπMesons at 3.7BeVc

At 3.66 BeVc, the total cross section for p¯+pK+K¯+mπ where m=1,2,, is 2.9±0.4 mb. No two-body reactions of the form p¯pKK¯, KK*, or K*K¯* have been observed. The angular distribution of kaons for three-body final states shows striking anisotropy but this effect diminishes with increasing multiplicity. An enhancement at low KK¯ effective mass, with possible assignment of I=1, has been observed, and this is compared with the K10K10 effect noted previously by several groups. The K*(888), ρ, and ω are prominent in several channels, but the data are consistent with no production of the φ. Upper limits on the φω production ratio are presented. A search for resonances in the Kππ system at 1175, 1215, and 1270 MeV, as well as the KK¯π at 1280 and 1410 MeV, has yielded negative results.