Steroid Biosynthesis by Isolated Human Ovarian Follicular Cells in Vitro*

Cultured thecal preparations from human ovarianfollicles obtained from patients during the follicular phase ofthe menstrual cycle produced large amounts of Δ4-androstenedioneand smaller amounts of testosterone and other androgenswhen stimulated by hCG, (Bu)2cAMP, and prostaglandin E2, butnot when stimulated by FSH. Prostaglandin E2 also stimulatedthecal cAMP production under the same conditions. By contrast,androgen production by granulosa cells was negligible with orwithout gonadotropins in the culture medium. Granulosa cellsalso did not produce 17β-estradiol, even when exposed to FSHand hCG, unless supplied with exogenous Δ4-androstenedione.On the other hand, thecal preparations did not produce significantamounts of 17β-estradiol even in the presence of FSH, hCG,and relatively large amounts of exogenous Δ4-androstenedione.These observations suggest that Δ4-androstenedione producedby LH or hCG-stimulated thecal cells is the main substrate forthe synthesis of 17β-estradiol by FSH-stimulated granulosa cellsin vivo. (J. Clin Endocrinol Metab51: 1407, 1980)