CAGD-based computer vision

The authors explore the connection between CAGD (computer-aided geometric design) and computer vision. A method for the automatic generation of recognition strategies based on the 3-D geometric properties of shape has been devised and implemented. It uses a novel technique to quantify the following properties of features which compose models used in computer vision: robustness, completeness, consistency, cost, and uniqueness. By utilizing this information, the automatic synthesis of a specialized recognition scheme, called a strategy tree, is accomplished. Strategy trees describe, in a systematic and robust manner, the search process used for recognition and localization of particular objects in the given scene. The consist of selected 3-D features which satisfy system constraints and corroborating evidence subtrees which are used in the formation of hypotheses. Verification techniques, used to substantiate or refute these hypotheses are explored. Experiments utilizing 3-D data are presented.

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