Levels inGd146,147,148observed following the decay of their terbium parents including a new isotope,Tb146

The decay schemes of the following terbium isotopes were investigated: 2.3 ± 0.2-min Tb148, 1.9 ± 0.1-min and 1.6 ± 0.1-h Tb147, and a previously unreported 23 ± 2-sec nuclide assigned to Tb146. These radioactivities were produced by bombarding Pr141 with C12 ions accelerated in the Oak Ridge isochronous cyclotron. Both singles and coincidence γ-ray spectral measurements were made. Our data for 2.3-min Tb148 are in excellent agreement with the recently published results of Bowman, Haenni, and Sugihara. We also confirm their discovery of a new 1.9-min high-spin isomer in Tb147 and provide additional information concerning its decay properties. Levels in Gd147 populated by this (presumably h112) Tb147 state are: 997.6 keV, 92; 1397.7 keV, (92); (1778.9 keV); and 1797.8 keV, (92). Contrastingly, the 1.6-h low-spin (probably d52) Tb147 isomer was found to populate the following Gd147 levels: 0 keV, 72; 1152.2 keV, 32; 1292.0 keV, (32+); 1411.5 keV, (½+); 1699.2 keV; 1759.1 keV; and 1846.6 keV, (52). The assignment of the new 23-sec activity to