Experimental pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis in mice: Morphology and correlation of lesions with humoral and cellular immune response

The present paper describes a murine model for pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis injecting 6×105 yeast forms ofParacoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) by the direct intratracheal route. The sequential histopathology of lung and dissemination lesions together with humoral (immunodiffusion test) and cellular immune response (footpad test and macrophage inhibition factor assay — MIF assay) were investigated since the 1st to the 360th day after infection. All infected animal showed pulmonary Pbmycosis up to Day 30; onwards the lesions subsided being found only in one mouse at Day 360. Dissemination lesions were observed in paratracheal and cervical lymph nodes in 9 out of 68 infected animals. Histologically early lesions were rich in polymorphonuclear cells and evolved to a macrophage desquamative pneumonitis at Day 15 and to typical epithelioid granulomata from Day 30 up to Day 360. Specific precipitating antibodies were first detected 15 days after infection, peaked from Day 30 to 60 and were not observed at Day 360. Significant cell-mediated immunity to Pb was noted at Day 15 with the peak reaction at Day 60 and 90. The intratracheal route represents a highly effective way of infecting mouse with Pb. This experimental pulmonary Pbmycosis is a granulomatous inflammation which courses with specific humoral and cellular immune response. It may be a good tool for further investigation in the pathogenesis and natural history of the disease.