Structural and adsorption properties of carbons synthesized within taeniolite matrices

Nanocomposites and carbons obtained from carbonization of Indoine Blue cations at different temperatures (from 673 to 1473 K) within inorganic taeniolite matrices have been studied by a series of physicochemical methods including transmission electron microscopy (TEM), FTIR and sorption measurements. Carbonaceous materials separated from the mineral host have varying microtexture which is related to the degree of carbonization and subsequent orientation of the so-called basic structural units (BSUs). Low pyrolysis temperatures (673 K) lead to the creation of an amorphous carbon with well pronounced features characteristic of the organic precursor. Higher pyrolysis temperatures (1073 K) result in significant constrained chemistry and, consequently, structure of the materials. The microtexture of the carbons obtained is governed by the effects of temperature and properties of the matrix and consequently the orientation of BSUs within the interlayer space. They influence the graphitizability of these carbons: disoriented BSUs result in turbostratic carbon; BSUs with parallel orientation result in polycrystalline graphite.