Source Pool Kinetics for 14C-Photosynthate Translocation in Morning Glory and Soybean

The kinetic behavior of translocation profiles indicates that their shape is determined largely by the rate at which tracer enters the sieve tubes in the source leaf. Confirmation of this relationship was sought by investigating the kinetics of 14C in the immediate source pool for translocated sucrose in soybean (Glycine max L., cv. Bragg) and morning glory (Ipomea nil Roth, cv. Scarlet O'Hara) leaves. Quantitative microautoradiography was used to follow the water-soluble 14C contents of the companion cells in minor veins after pulse-labeling with 14CO2. In both morning glory and soybean, the observed kinetics in the companion cells matched reasonably well those expected from the shape of the translocation profiles. Marked compartmentation of sucrose was evident in soybean leaves in that the specific radioactivity of total leaf sucrose was greatest immediately after labeling and quickly declined, whereas labeling in the companion cells was low at first and did not reach a maximum for about 35 minutes. In morning glory leaves, the kinetics of sucrose specific radioactivity and of companion cell-labeling more closely paralleled one another.