Proton-Induced2H and3He Breakup at 156 MeV

The breakup of 2H induced by 156 MeV protons has been studied in the (p, 2p) and the (p, pn) reactions in the kinematically complete measurement with the unique kinematic condition: The three nucleons are collinear in the center of mass system of three nucleons in the final state. Also we performed experiments having neighboring kinematic conditions. The d3σ spectrum gives a peak in the region far from the final state interaction and the true quasi-free interaction regions. In this region of interest d3σ is calculated by a model derived from the fixed-scattering-center approximation proposed by L'Huillier and Ballot with Benoist-Gueutal. The model gives a smooth minimum, while the experimental peak is very sharp and sensitive to θ3. The fixed-scattering-center approximation explains the present experimental d3σ spectrum in the entire region fairly well except at this peak. Because of this, we consider this peak difficult to explain by the fixed-scattering-center approximation to the Faddeev equation solution. This peak is similar to that observed by Lambert et al. at 23 MeV. The breakup of 3He induced by 156 MeV protons was also studied in a complete kinematic measurement through the (p, dp), (p, 2p) and (p, pn) reactions by using a liquid 3He target and under the adequate kinematic conditions for the detection of and coplanar final state interactions. The existence of the proton-deuteron final state interaction with the Coulomb repulsive interaction has been proton-observed, for the first time, in the d3σ and the d4σ spectra for the (p, dp) reaction. For the minimum p-d relative energy (0.0093 MeV), the d3σ and the d4σ spectra present a minimum, and for ECMp-d ∼ 0.4 MeV, a maximum. The other 3N final state interactions have also been observed around their minimum relative energies. The analysis of events distributed in the E1-E2 plane from the (p, 2p) reaction reveals the existence of the and reactions and one (or two) excitation of three nucleon systems. The comparison of the d3σexp and d4σexp with those calculated in the frame of the PWIA by using the Hulthén type wave function for 2H, and the Irving-Gunn type one for 3He was made.