Peak Oxygen Uptake of Healthy Young Men as Determined by a Treadmill Method

The peak oxygen uptake of 50 trained, healthy, young white men (Naval Aviation Cadets) was determined by a treadmill method. Treadmill speed was held constant at 3.5 mph and the tests at each treadmill grade were of 6 minutes' duration. Subjects were tested successively at 20, 24, 26 and 28% grade until failure to complete a test. The grade was then decreased in steps of 1% until a test was found which could be completed. Motivation of the subjects was considered to be exceptional. Environmental temperature and humidity were closely controlled. Peak oxygen uptake is defined arbitrarily here as the highest value obtained for rate of oxygen uptake as determined by measurement and analysis of expired gas collected during the 6th minute of exercise. The mean peak oxygen uptake was found to be 4.05 l/min. with a standard deviation of 0.39 and a range of 3.22 to 5.17. The mean expiratory minute volume was found to be 147 ± 20 l/min. with a range of 95 to 201. These values exceed those generally accepted as occurring during muscular work. The mean expiratory minute volume was 83% of the mean maximal breathing capacity in 33 subjects in whom the latter was determined. Submitted on October 31, 1956