Using the equal-time commutation relations of chiral SU(2)×SU(2), we derive a Ward identity relating the vertex function π|σ|π to the σ propagator. Adopting a model for the primitive three-point function of two axial-vector currents and an isoscalar σ operator, we derive an integral equation for the vertex function by inserting elastic unitarity into the identity. In the approximation of neglecting inelastic effects, we solve the integral equation exactly. The solution contains three arbitrary constants which we fix from current-algebra and partially conserved axial-vector current considerations. We then obtain an isoscalar, S-wave ππ phase shift which is positive and rises to 180° at infinity. Moreover, it corresponds to a scattering length a0 just 5% larger than Weinberg's and, together with the ρ and f contributions, saturates the ππ Adler-Weisberger relation to within 10%. Finally, we predict mσ=725±55 MeV and Γσππ=455±55 MeV.