Fermion Quarks of Spin32

The usual quark model of baryons requires quarks to obey effective Bose statistics if they are to be in space-symmetric states. We show that if quarks had spin 32 they could obey the usual Fermi statistics, even with space-symmetric wave functions. Using spin-32 quarks, we construct a completely antisymmetric three-quark state of total spin 32 corresponding to the baryon decuplet, and a mixed symmetry state of total spin ½ corresponding to the baryon octet. A simple dynamical assumption about the spin dependence of quark-quark forces limits the s-wave baryon states to the octet and decuplet, and saturates the quark binding at three. We find very little difference in the experimentally tested quark-model predictions when spin-32 quarks are used. The main differences we do find are: the well-known prediction that μpμn=32 is lost with spin-32 quarks, and they must have anomalous magnetic moments. The predicted Σ+ moment is essentially unchanged, but the Ξ and Ω moments change when spin-32 quarks are used, and their measurement would test the spin of the quark. With spin-32 quarks, mass relations within SU(3) multiplets are kept while the less well satisfied relations connecting octet to decuplet mass differences get broken by a small amount.