Propagation of perturbations in a gas-liquid mixture

The present investigation has been performed over a wide range of the dimensionless parameters characterizing the process of propagation of pressure perturbations in a gas-liquid mixture; these are the Reynolds number, and a dispersion parameter responsible for the relation between the values of dispersion and signal intensity. The values of the above parameters were changed mainly by varying the initial perturbation. The results obtained show a complete agreement between the Burgers-Korteweg-de Vries model and the real process of propagation of long-wave perturbations in a liquid with gas bubbles. In addition to signal propagation with the formation of monotonic and oscillatory shock waves, the propagation of signals in the form of solitary waves (solitons) and wave packets was observed experimentally. Data have been obtained on signal damping, energy dissipation and the influence of mixture viscosity on the signal evolution.